Downshifting. We studied this new word at my English classes this Saturday.
Later on Saturday evening I received the December'06 issue of Bead&Button. I can't find right words to express my astonishment when I saw 'From the Editor' column. And that article about Larry Scott in the middle of the issue, it amazed me a lot. I'm very imaginative person. I see signs everywhere, you know (%
These signs scream something like 'Don't be afraid! You can change your life! Stop killing yourself. Everything is possible.'
It's no wonder I started to think about downshifting - I've fallen into a swoon last Friday and since then I feel sick and tired. I'm going to a doctor tomorrow, 'cause I don't like the way I feel. Stress or overfatigue or whatever. The only thing I want is to lie on a bed. Today is only Tuesday, but I feel totally exhausted.
Guess what I'm going to do on my December, 4 - December, 12 annual leave? I'll spend these days working on my graduation work which must be finished by December, 13. Then I'm coming back to office work.
Well, better stop whining (%
Great. Everything will be great after a while.