Monday, December 18, 2006

Well, I think this is my best work, lol))
My second photoshop collage is about my happiness.
About being together.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Well, I've finally received some books I ordered at in November. Yesterday I was reading Collage Discovery Workshop by Claudine Hellmuth and I was so inspired that I created this self-portrait. I couldn't make paper collage because I don't have enough supplies, but I was sooo exited that I decided to make my collage in Adobe Photoshop. Voilà! Here's my very first creation. I'm going to buy paints next weekend and create something real.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Downshifting. We studied this new word at my English classes this Saturday.
Later on Saturday evening I received the December'06 issue of Bead&Button. I can't find right words to express my astonishment when I saw 'From the Editor' column. And that article
about Larry Scott in the middle of the issue, it amazed me a lot. I'm very imaginative person. I see signs everywhere, you know (%
These signs scream something like 'Don't be afraid! You can change your life! Stop killing yourself. Everything is possible.'
It's no wonder I started to think about downshifting - I've fallen into a swoon last Friday and since then I feel sick and tired. I'm going to a doctor tomorrow, 'cause I don't like the way I feel. Stress or overfatigue or whatever. The only thing I want is to lie on a bed. Today is
only Tuesday, but I feel totally exhausted.
Guess what I'm going to do on my December, 4 - December, 12 annual leave? I'll spend these days working on my graduation work which must be finished by December, 13. Then I'm coming back to office work.

Well, better stop whining (%
Great. Everything will be great after a while.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I've made this piece a year ago. It is called Summer Bracelet. It was the worst summer in my life because of the endless reflection and that gnawing lonely feeling.
I'm glad it's all over now, and my autumn depression has gone as well, because of a new brilliant idea.
After graduating from Russian Academy of Economics I plan to go to British Higher School of Arts and Design. I don't want to be an economist and I'm tired of risk analysis.
Design is my real passion. I like making things, I like reading beadwork books, I like browsing designer's websites.
In January, 2007 - May, 2007 I'm taking an access course at British Higher School of Arts & Design. During that period we'll make my own portfolio under the direction of their teachers. I hope I'll pass the entrance examinations after that.
You know what? I don't want to be a passenger in my own life. It's never late to change everything. Especially when you're 22 (=
I can live again.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It's me beneath the sky of St.Petersburg.
It was the best weekend I had this summer.
I was sooo happy.
I was in love.
I am in love, as a matter of fact.
Just need a vacation, I feel a little tired.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hi, my name is Tanya, I'm 22 years old and I want nothing.
I missed my English classes today. Music irritates me. I don't want to read. I even don't want to bead. I want nothing, as a matter of fact. Just apathy and all.
Hahaha, girl_of_fall hates fall (%
I'm waiting for the winter to come, I want to feel the snow on my face. I want to go snowboarding and once again feel that terrific feeling when you ride, and a gentle wind blows, and the snow falls, and nothing really matters.
I feel alive only on weekends when I'm not supposed to go to the office. Last weekend we took a train to Podolsk. There's a deserted XIX-century limestone quarry, very large and very dark, and the strangest place I've ever been to.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Yesterday I was so fed up with everything that I even deleted all entries at my Unsorted blog.
So here I am. New blog, new life, yeah.
New life, hah..
It's very frustrating I don't have time to bead, I spend the greater part of my life here in office. I hate sitting in office, I hate answering telephone calls. This girl sitting at reception, she's not me!
I want to explore my creative side, I don't want to sit on a chair all day long. I just go crazy.

Can't wait for time when I store up enough money to pay for floristic classes. To buy a ton of beadwork & collage books. Then I'll quit this job to begin new life.